"Delight is the game you want to keep playing. The game wherein your commitment and your personal engagement are critical components. As the designer, you extend the thing by making it possible for your users to access something around the thing."
The updated Clipart browser and library in Explain Everything make it very easy to browse and search for local clipart.
Here is an excerpt of my TED Masterclass Showcase presentation from ISTE 2019. Right now in order to watch the full video you need to be an ISTE member and access the content on the ISTE website. The videos may be published on YouTube as well in the near future. As part of the assigned reading for an administrative retreat, I got to enjoy Brené Brown's daretolead.brenebrown.comDare to Lead. I flagged many sections of the book as I found that she provides really helpful sets of questions that help guide thinking for any given project - big or small.
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What we know about teaching and learning validates experiential practice as a means to building understanding (in one’s self, in someone for whom you are responsible). If you want someone to understand something – whether it be entrepreneurship or a product or a service – don’t just tell them about the work but have them experience it, even if this experience is messy or leaves open loops.
You may want to provide something to your customer right away, but your customer may not be ready to receive it. Someone may have feedback for you, but if you’re in the middle of a stressful stretch of work, you might want to delay its delivery for a few days. Sometimes it’s your turn to use the road. Sometimes you have to hold off. What’s critical, for immediacy to flourish, is to resolve issues by thinking about eventualities before they happen. To work out solution, pass them around and test them in the real world. Get what you need, when you need it. Give others what they need, when they need it.