I used this feature for the first time with purpose today and it was really helpful. I had a short audio recording on my desktop, I inserted it, and then dragged it to the timeline to have it be part of my recording.
I had a great time being a judge for the final pitches from Teachers College Innovation Awards 2019 which took place at TC's Academic Festival. The entire event was a great celebration of the work happening across departments at the college, and my department (Math, Science, & Technology) hosted some great parts of the program, including the Innovation Awards.
"Move as the line moves – a formula for happiness and success? Not quite. But it won’t hurt to think about what computers are good at and what humans are good at, make peace with the fact that the line in the sand will constantly shift in the years to come, and then work to make sure that the human part of yourself, your team, your company, even your family, shows up – by default – when it’s going to make a difference for a relationship or transaction."
Steve and I were honored to be guests on the first season of Michael Hernandez' new 'Change the Narrative' podcast. It's an excellent collection of short, inspiring interviews and written and produced with NPR-style quality. You can find our episode on this subpage.
One of my favorite parts of this new integration is being able to drag files from my computer (images and documents) right onto a collaborative whiteboard canvas initiated from Slack.
The last time I looked deeply into setting up notifications in Google Sheets, the options were either unclear or required creating custom scripts. Now, granted, this may have been over 5 years ago. I developed other habits and routines in order to keep track of various collaborative sheets, including setting up those sheets as Startup tabs for my browser so I had a constant reminder to check on them.
A question came up last week that prompted me to look into it again and sure enough, Google has introduced a version of notifications that is user-subscription based. That means an individual has to opt in (the document owner can't force notifications on participants). If it's with a small enough group, though, it's not too much of an ask to request that folks enable notifications especially when one of the options is a daily digest. On a seesaw, you can’t always control the ride. The power shifts back and forth, depending on when you’re on the bottom, with your feet firmly on the ground. And if you’re the kind of person who jumps off the seesaw when you’re on the bottom, in that power seat, then it’s very possible that, after a while, no one on the playground will want to be your seesaw partner. This is play, yes, but serious play. You burn your trust and you pay the price. Playground rules – forever. Steve and I have been adding resources to the "Toolkit" section of the Make Yourself Clear website