The Vault: Posts through August 2015
SPAM Bots took over the comments! But I am unhiding these temporarily.
It's been a terrific couple of days down in Austin, TX for iPadPalooza 2015 hosted by Eanes Independent School District and coordinated by Carl Hooker. Carl managed to bring together an amazing group of educators and leaders to learn and play together along the theme of 'Keep Austin Weird.' The formal aspects of my participation included a 3 minute mini-keynote, a "weird" session (see weird result below), and a less-weird session. Sessions that I attended parts or all of included ones about sketchnoting, iPads and visual art, and preparing for a zombie apocalypse using iPads. Mini KeynoteThis was a fun format: 11 or 12 speakers each only having 3 minutes to share an idea or message. I went over my 3-minute mark for sure, but fortunately they didn't kill the lights or the mic. Explain Everything x Madlibs
August 2015
Header photo by Robert S. Donovan