The Vault: Posts through August 2015
SPAM Bots took over the comments! But I am unhiding these temporarily.
Here are some of the visuals used in my opening talk at #iPlzaMN
It's been a terrific couple of days down in Austin, TX for iPadPalooza 2015 hosted by Eanes Independent School District and coordinated by Carl Hooker. Carl managed to bring together an amazing group of educators and leaders to learn and play together along the theme of 'Keep Austin Weird.' The formal aspects of my participation included a 3 minute mini-keynote, a "weird" session (see weird result below), and a less-weird session. Sessions that I attended parts or all of included ones about sketchnoting, iPads and visual art, and preparing for a zombie apocalypse using iPads. Mini KeynoteThis was a fun format: 11 or 12 speakers each only having 3 minutes to share an idea or message. I went over my 3-minute mark for sure, but fortunately they didn't kill the lights or the mic. Explain Everything x Madlibs
Here are the slides from my Animating Understanding session. We also created a goofy madlib which you can see some elements of on Twitter. Here are most of the slides from my spotlight session at the ICE conference in St. Charles, IL. I need to return to the habit of sharing slides from presentations in a more timely manner. Here are some of the slides I shared last week in San Diego. It was pretty cool to present in one of the "luxury suites" at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, MA at MassCUE2014. Below are the slides from Leading Online: Leading the Learning, Leading by Learning and here is a link to the collaborative artifact that was created by participants during the session. It was exciting to look at it after the session since I didn't get a chance to peek at it while the presentation was happening. Thanks to all of those who participated! I had a wonderful day learning with faculty and administrators in Laval, Québec. Below are some of the slides from my opening talk and presentation about ed tech and leadership. And this is a link to the Explain Everything Skills Rubric that we used in a "scavenger hunt" activity during the EE hands-on workshop. I had the wonderful opportunity to speak with faculty and administrators from District 25 in Arlington Heights, IL. Below are the slides from my main presentation, and below that are links to some of the videos which I shared of interesting contexts where I have seen Explain Everything being used. It was a terrific day, organized by Chris Fahnoe and his colleagues. Thanks again for having me out! I enjoyed my first ISTE experience. It was especially good to meet my Explain Everything partners for the first time in person after having worked together for nearly 4 years. Below are the slides I shared in my Ignite talk on Saturday afternoon. Hopefully ISTE will post and share the video as well. I'll be heading down to Atlanta for my first ISTE experience. What I thought was going to be a just a fly-in for one event has turned into a whole extended weekend of stuff which I am looking forward to being a part of. See you down there!
August 2015
Header photo by Robert S. Donovan